Here we would like to showcase plants that are not only occasionally available by division, but also used in our own crosses that can be found from some of your favourite Paph sources. All prices are in US dollars and based on average division size. Price may go up or down depending on condition or number of growths at time of order, contact us for exact availability and pricing. CITES and phytosanitary documents are indeed available for compliant export around the world!
Paph. supardii (several clones)We love this species for its non-conformist petals (symmetrically asymmetrical) and especially what they do to long petalled hybrids with sanderianum influence. Whenever we can, we will cross this species, as well as gigantifolium, with sanderianum, Michael Koopowitz and other similar parents that need some spice in their petal stance.
Paph. stonei 'Zephyrus Red'I had an early obsession with this species, and as a teenager saved up $96 for my very first orchid purchase from Ray Rands in the 1980s. I have grown a lot of stonei clones since then, and found the best flowers to come from the 'Maybrook' or 'Fernbrook' clones that tend to have broader, lighter green leaves similar to sanderianum. This clone has been used many times in our breeding program!
Paph. henryanum var. album 'Ghost Leopard' CHM/AOSThe first henryanum album awarded by the AOS (fall of 2013), the trademark henryanum spots are still faintly evident as darker green spots.
$1,000 |
Paph. philippinense var. album ‘Green Tea’ AM/AOSOne of the best album varieties you may find, this is the large form of the species with 20cm+ petals, seen above with 7 flowers.
$500 |
Paph. stonei f. luteo-album 'Hilo Lemon-n-Ice' CHM/AOS
First blooming for us in July of 2015, this clone was used as the type specimen for the formal botanical description of this albino variety by Harold Koopowitz and Olaf Gruss in Orchid Digest 80-1, pp. 20-21 (Jan., Feb., Mar. 2016). At that time it had two flowers, however on its next bloom, pictured here, it produced three. Unlike many albinistic varieties, it seems to be a good grower, seemingly more prolific than the coloratum variety.
$5,000 |
Paph. Black Diamond var. albumVery few crosses of fairrieanum album x delenatii album do in fact turn out album! No shades of pink anywhere on the flower or leaves.
$300 |
Paph. volonteanum 'Skyscraper' HCC/AOSFantastic green dorsal on a 60 cm stem!
$400 |
Paph. volonteanum 'Darth Vader'Selected from a large group of seedlings, this clone is incredible for its size, presentation and dark pink spoon-shaped petals (shown here on the far left with some of its inferior siblings....). Never shown for AOS judging!
$800 |
Paph. rothschildianum 'New Horizon' FCC/AOSSince 1969, there have only been ~30 FCCs to this species. ‘New Horizon’ is one of the most recent, and had to be compared to all its predecessors prior to receiving this award. See chart below comparing ‘New Horizon’ to four of the best FCCs ever awarded (in my opinion). It is quite likely one of the best examples of this species in the world. This is one of two divisions that exist worldwide.
$10,000 |
Phrag. besseae 'King of Peaches'Crowned by Samantha herself from the Orchid Zone, its title is well earned with huge round flowers in the unusual salmon/peach tones. Not yet shown for AOS judging!
$1,000 |
Phrag. kovachii 'Warbird'Well held petals on an exceptionally vigorous, fast growing clone. Grown from flask and flowered multiple times under greenhouse conditions, this is among the first generation of 'easier-to grow' clones well suited to our standard mix of fir bark, charcoal and perlite. Occasionally topdressed with oystershell and silica sand.
$1,000 |
Paph. micranthum 'Christopher' AM/AOSVery colourful, large flowered example of this parvi species. Photo courtesy of Jay Norris.
$250 |
Phrag. besseae 'Mega'In their own estimation, one of their very best besseaes, produced by the finest besseae breeders in the world - The Orchid Zone! An incredible investment to any breeding program looking to remake and dramatically improve the look of any hybrid, new or old. Photo courtesy of John Chant.
$4,000 |
Coelogyne salmonicolor 'Milan' HCC/AOSVery unusual for the genus, these flowers are a soft peach-pink tone, produced in a cluster from the newly emerging growth. Pretty when not in flower, leaves also carry an orange tinge. Plant habit is tight and compact, with 4 or 5 bulbs easily fitting in to a 4" pot.
$50 |